There are many successful women that deserve to be admired…Katie Richardson Founder of PUJ Baby is certainly one of them! She is a mom to 3 Darling boys, and Creator of the Best tub around…{I know as it was my tub of choice for my baby!} I was lucky to have the unique opportunity of interviewing Katie…a very successful “Mamapranuer”…it was exciting to learn about her experience in creating her business…as well she shares some valuable tips and insights for other Mamapranuers.
What inspired you to create PUJ baby?
I am a mother to three boys and an industrial designer. Invention and problem solving are a big part of who I am. Designing products I could use as a mother felt natural from the start. The support and encouragement from people who love me (and even from perfect strangers) helped me realize it was a path my life needed to take.
We know as a mom it is challenging to juggle family and work…How do you make it work?
A major factor in my success as a mother and business owner is my morning schedule. I wake at 5:30 am to exercise (run, bike or swim), giving me alone time to think and clear my mind. It gets my day started off on the right foot and when my kids wake at 7:30 I am showered and ready for the day. It also gives me time to do some laundry or run to the grocery store. Rarely, if I’m feeling an extra spurt of energy, I will have dinner going in the crock-pot. I have fewer distractions in my day and by 9 am, I’ve already had 3.5 productive hours and feel like I can conquer ALMOST anything.
What are your TOP 3 tips for other moms wanting to be successful with their business ventures?
1. Put fears aside and take that first step into the dark unknown. There will always be naysayers and people whose fears have held them back in their own lives. But that’s not you. As you move forward, your path becomes illuminated and the way becomes clearer.
2. Know what your priorities are. For me, family comes first and work second. I embrace the fact I get to spend time with my children. They grow up so fast and I cherish the precious time I get to spend with them.
3. Have fun in whatever you do. If you take life too seriously then life quickly become serious. I am happier and more successful when I am having fun.
What empowers you to be your best?
It is my failures that empower me. I would rather fail trying than to never try at all. Failures are life lessons and if I am willing to try again, and again, and again, eventually I will taste the sweetness of success. I will feel the satisfaction of accomplishment!
I get to do all of this with my husband at my side (he works for me :)). Together, with our children, we have made PUJ successful and are living our dreams. Last fall, we took our boys to Taipei, Taiwan for 30 days as part of a business trip. It was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream and we can’t wait for the next trip!
What are three things we might not know about you?
1) I love getting my hands dirty when I design. I am a fine-wood craftswoman and have designed and built some of the furniture in our home. I also do some metal work (welding and grinding).
2) Bizarrely, on a regular basis, I am asked if I am Russian by perfect strangers! I am actually of Scottish/Irish decent.
3) I strongly dislike folding laundry, but now that my boys help out it’s not so bad.
4) I LOVE fresh squeezed orange juice!
Thank you Katie for being such an amazing inspiration to all of those around you! Visit PUJ Baby to see more of the fun things that Katie’s designing!