Delighted to share another peek at motherhood with a chic mamapranuer Karenin Robison.  She takes inspiration to a whole new level!  Mama to 3 beautiful children, and founder/designer at, a chic line of camera bags that double as a diaper bag or purse. She started her company only two years ago, it grew so quickly that she has now partnered with her husband to introduce 2 other lines of camera bags for men and techies this spring.   If she’s not creating a new design then she’s cooking up something wonderful in the kitchen.  We had a ball getting to know Karenin and her darling little family…our photoshoot w/Heather Telford Photography was a blast…Heather captured the true bond of love between Karenin and her 3 little cuties Sylie, JJ, and Olivia. Thanks Heather for your amazing work!



Outfits for the kids Brought to you by Peek kids, hello apparel, See Kai Run, Ribbies Clippies, & Aven Clothing:     Sylie is wearing Peek kids liberty of london dress here, See Kai Run tights and boots here, and a darling headband from Ribbies Clippies hereJJ is wearing Aven Clothing…street wear for boys here, and See Kai Run Boots here,  Miss Olivia is wearing  Hello Apparel leggings here, See Kai Run shoes here, and a cute headband from Ribbies Clippies here.  Karenin is wearing a JCREW top here, Paige Denim jeans here, and forever 21 heels here.



Getting to know Karenin was a real treat! I have noticed a common characteristic so far from the amazing women we have featured…DRIVE!  They all have a great desire to do and become their best…even with a busy family they are making it possible! Here’s how Karenin is making it all happen!

Q=  How do you juggle family,  a successful business, and a blog?

A= I wish my answer was as easy as juggling it all. I feel like it’s a constant balancing act. I’m always moving, from the second I wake up to get kids ready for school to the minute before I go to bed. Most of the time you will find me running around in workout clothes. When I’m home I try to focus more on housework and play time when the kids are awake. I try to limit the amount of time I’m on my computer which is really hard for me because that just means when everyone is in bed I will be up working. I also know I can’t do it all and I’ve learned that its ok to ask for help. I have a very supportive husband who also works from home.  He always keeps me in check, helps me prioritize and picks up the slack to help me out.

Q= One of our February themes is stop in the name of love…Comparing…how do you avoid falling into this trap whether it’s with yourself or your kids?

A= Oh boy, this is a tough one. I feel like human nature is to compare. There is always a better chore chart, a better pair of skinny jeans, a happier mom. The list goes on and on. I love the quote by Steve Furtick, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”  We don’t know what someone’s journey is all about. Accept who you are, love yourself and forget the rest.

Q= What is your key to making sure your children feel loved? 

A= Time, time is everything. Although a constant I love you with hugs and kisses are great reminders, time is what our children need. Actions always speak louder than words. I love scheduling date night with my kids. Whether it’s a simple ice cream outing or just laying in bed with them under the covers talking nonsense  I love picking their brains and learning more about them. My children mean the world to me. Just love them deeply and care about them, give them your time.


Q=What inspired you to start your business?

A= I’ve always loved pretty things. Photographers are creative and have an eye for visual beauty, yet the majority of camera bags are boring and uninspiring.  I wanted to create bags that matched personalities without compromising functionality. I guess it was more of a need than inspiration.

Q= What are 3 things we may not know about you?

A=  1. I was born and raised in Honduras. I moved to the USA when I was 14.
I’m happiest when I’m sharing food with others.

2. I love food. Its more than just eating, its a whole experience to me.

3. When I was a kid I dreamt of a lot of specific things. Most of these things have happened already just not on “my timing” I used to say I would marry at 26 and accomplish the rest of my list later. I am now 26 and have checked most of it off.


Q= If there is 1 thing you have learned and could share to inspire and help other women/mothers what would it be?

A= Hmmm… I feel like I’m constantly learning.  Dream big.  Discover yourself, find your passion; something that makes you feel alive. Set goals and work hard for what you want. Confidence and accomplishment is key to happiness. When you are happy with yourself  you will enrich the lives of others.

Don’t ever be afraid to  DREAM BIG!   Thanks Karenin you are so inspiring!


ENTER our cheeky lime + hello apparel  give away! NOW CLOSED  SEE THE WINNER HERE…




1.Please leave a comment:  Since social media has become the norm how do you avoid the comparison trap?  see what we had to say about it here!

2. Follow  MomsBest   and   Cheekylime on  face book .

3. For extra entries follow us on instagram  @momsbestntwk   @cheekylime,  @helloapparel, then repost and share our give away slider you see there…tag #realmomsinspire


Entry closes 12 midnight EST on Tuesday February 26th,  Winners announced on Wednesday February 27th

*samples featured in this article were provided by Peek kids, See kai Run, hello apparel, Ribbies Clippies, and  Aven Clothing.

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