Delighted to share another peek at motherhood with a chic mamapranuer Karenin Robison. Â She takes inspiration to a whole new level! Â Mama to 3 beautiful children, and founder/designer at, a chic line of camera bags that double as a diaper bag or purse. She started her company only two years ago, it grew so quickly that she has now partnered with her husband to introduce 2 other lines of camera bags for men and techies this spring. Â If she’s not creating a new design then she’s cooking up something wonderful in the kitchen. Â We had a ball getting to know Karenin and her darling little family…our photoshoot w/Heather Telford Photography was a blast…Heather captured the true bond of love between Karenin and her 3 little cuties Sylie, JJ, and Olivia. Thanks Heather for your amazing work!
Outfits for the kids Brought to you by Peek kids, hello apparel, See Kai Run, Ribbies Clippies, & Aven Clothing:   Sylie is wearing Peek kids liberty of london dress here, See Kai Run tights and boots here, and a darling headband from Ribbies Clippies here…JJ is wearing Aven Clothing…street wear for boys here, and See Kai Run Boots here,  Miss Olivia is wearing Hello Apparel leggings here, See Kai Run shoes here, and a cute headband from Ribbies Clippies here.  Karenin is wearing a JCREW top here, Paige Denim jeans here, and forever 21 heels here.
Getting to know Karenin was a real treat! I have noticed a common characteristic so far from the amazing women we have featured…DRIVE! Â They all have a great desire to do and become their best…even with a busy family they are making it possible! Here’s how Karenin is making it all happen!
Q= Â How do you juggle family, Â a successful business, and a blog?
A= I wish my answer was as easy as juggling it all. I feel like it’s a constant balancing act. I’m always moving, from the second I wake up to get kids ready for school to the minute before I go to bed. Most of the time you will find me running around in workout clothes. When I’m home I try to focus more on housework and play time when the kids are awake. I try to limit the amount of time I’m on my computer which is really hard for me because that just means when everyone is in bed I will be up working. I also know I can’t do it all and I’ve learned that its ok to ask for help. I have a very supportive husband who also works from home.  He always keeps me in check, helps me prioritize and picks up the slack to help me out.
Q= One of our February themes is stop in the name of love…Comparing…how do you avoid falling into this trap whether it’s with yourself or your kids?
A= Oh boy, this is a tough one. I feel like human nature is to compare. There is always a better chore chart, a better pair of skinny jeans, a happier mom. The list goes on and on. I love the quote by Steve Furtick, “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Â We don’t know what someone’s journey is all about. Accept who you are, love yourself and forget the rest.
Q= What is your key to making sure your children feel loved?Â
A= Time, time is everything. Although a constant I love you with hugs and kisses are great reminders, time is what our children need. Actions always speak louder than words. I love scheduling date night with my kids. Whether it’s a simple ice cream outing or just laying in bed with them under the covers talking nonsense I love picking their brains and learning more about them. My children mean the world to me. Just love them deeply and care about them, give them your time.
Q=What inspired you to start your business?
A= I’ve always loved pretty things. Photographers are creative and have an eye for visual beauty, yet the majority of camera bags are boring and uninspiring. I wanted to create bags that matched personalities without compromising functionality. I guess it was more of a need than inspiration.
Q= What are 3 things we may not know about you?
A=Â 1. I was born and raised in Honduras. I moved to the USA when I was 14.
I’m happiest when I’m sharing food with others.
2. I love food. Its more than just eating, its a whole experience to me.
3. When I was a kid I dreamt of a lot of specific things. Most of these things have happened already just not on “my timing” I used to say I would marry at 26 and accomplish the rest of my list later. I am now 26 and have checked most of it off.
Q= If there is 1 thing you have learned and could share to inspire and help other women/mothers what would it be?
A= Hmmm… I feel like I’m constantly learning.  Dream big.  Discover yourself, find your passion; something that makes you feel alive. Set goals and work hard for what you want. Confidence and accomplishment is key to happiness. When you are happy with yourself  you will enrich the lives of others.
Don’t ever be afraid to  DREAM BIG!  Thanks Karenin you are so inspiring!
ENTER our cheeky lime + hello apparel  give away! NOW CLOSED  SEE THE WINNER HERE…
1.Please leave a comment: Â Since social media has become the norm how do you avoid the comparison trap? Â see what we had to say about it here!
2. Follow  MomsBest  and  Cheekylime on  face book .
3. For extra entries follow us on instagram  @momsbestntwk  @cheekylime,  @helloapparel, then repost and share our give away slider you see there…tag #realmomsinspire
Entry closes 12 midnight EST on Tuesday February 26th, Â Winners announced on Wednesday February 27th
Such a cute giveaway! Love everything!! Done everything 🙂
I followed you guys on FACEBOOK & Instagram <3 Yayyyy! I really hope to win, I love HELLOAPPAREL & Cheekylime. The bag is adorable! 🙂
If I ever start comparing myself to others i try to remember that everyone had their problems, nobody is perfect, and we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Following on Facebook and Instagram and reposted. Thank you for the giveaway! Loved this interview with Karenin!
When feelings of comparison creep up, I just reflect on the many things I am blessed with. Feelings of gratitude always stomp out feelings of envy.
yes works every time 🙂
I liked Cheeky Lime on FB
I am following Hello, Mom’s Network, and Cheeky lime on Insta
I just try and remember that I see my mistakes and shortcomings more prevalently than others ever do.. and I can’t compair those bloopers to everyone else’s “highlight reel”. I admit I get envious when I see other mom’s photos of thier kids in their perfectly clean and well decorated home. It helps to try and picture them pushing aside a heap of mess before they snapped the photo 🙂
this is so true! Love that… yes I am sure they have their messy days too 🙂
I try really hard not to compare myself, but now that I’m a mom its hard not to compare my mom skills with all the other new tmoms! One day at a
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Just found your site through @helloapparel. Love Marlena’s response on comparison. Great giveaway!
When I start comparing myself to others on the Internet, I have to take a break from the social media sites altogether, even if just for the afternoon. I know I’m blessed and have a wonderful life, and that feeling jealous of what others have only breeds negativity so I don’t even go there!
I think we are all guilty with comparing ourselves, and we all fall into the “trap” but we have to remember to just do the best we can and be the best role models for our little ones. As moms, we know what’s best for our kids, and what’s best for mine, might not be what’s best for yours. I think surrounding yourself with inspirational and supportive people (on those social media sites, and in real life too!) will keep you in check. I’m a first time mom and I joined a page on Facebook with other moms who had babies the same month as me, and it was so nice to learn from their experiences! Now that our babies are here we post pictures and talk about all those amazing milestones our babies are passing, but also support each other in so many other ways!
I like both pages on Facebook! 🙂
I just remind myself that nothing is exactly as it seems & no matter what something *looks* like every mama is still just doing her best to survive. I also celebrate the small accomplishments/feats of my own: when both baby & I are fed, dressed, & ready to go on time, etc. 🙂
liked both on fb!
I try to just genuinely be happy for other parents and their children and their achievements. Liked both on Facebook 🙂
It’s hard to avoid! However, no one is in the same situation, no one knows what really happens behind closed doors.
Its very hard to avoid! everything is done with social media now and there is no getting around it.
Like both pages on FB 🙂 hope I win
That diaper/camera bag would be so perfect. I hate carrying two bags.
Lovin’ this combo of items!
I with Veronica & many others… When I am struggling with those kinds of thoughts, I just remember that no one is perfect. We all were made differently & have different strengths and weaknesses! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Hoping I win!! 😉
Liked both!!
I’m loving that lime green camera bag in the photo! I clicked “Like” for both MomsBest and Cheekylime along with leaving a comment here. Would love to win!
What a great read! I’ve been a cheeky fan for a while, and now I’ve joined on with Mom’s Best Network! Awesome! Thank you!
I also left a comment on the blog post initially mentioned in the contest requirements “avoiding the comparison trap”. I hope I now have 4 entries 🙂 and Great Article!
Thanks so much! noted!
I liked Mom’s Best Network and Cheeky Lime on Facebook!
I also followed Mom’s Best Network, CheekyLime & Hello Apparel on Instagram!!
I also shared the photo and #realmomsinspire on Instagram!
I already was a fan of cheekylime and now i liked momsbest! As a mom of two lityle ones and a photographer id love to win!
I just remember that most people only put the best of their lives out there for everyone to see. We just need to remember that we all have our faults and things that we struggle with. That doesn’t mean that I still don’t find myself comparing myself to others. it is really hard not to sometimes.
I liked Mom’s Best Network and Cheeky Lime on Facebook.
I also just followed Mom’s Best Network, CheekyLime & already followed Hello Apparel on Instagram!!
Comparison is the thief of joy! I just thank God for all I have and learn to be content in all things. When your happy with what you have you have no need to look at others and compare.
I try to limit my time on social media and keep my nose buried in things that I want to define my life–my family, my quality friendships, my church, and my Bible.
that is great thanks for sharing!
Liked Mom’s Best
Liked Cheeky Lime
I follow @helloapparel on IG
I try to stay away from comparison with other people. But, I do compare present self with my past self. It’s the only way to improve.
I’m following Mom’s best.
following Cheeky Lime.
I recently, finally after 28 years of life, have realized that to be happy with myself I must quit comparing to others and things that they have that I may not but instead be happy and encouraging for them. You have to be happy with you before you can be happy with others. So whatever that is for you, do it. No need to go through this life trying to be someone else. Instead embrace yourself and be the best person you can be. Good things will come and you’ll be more likely to receive those good things if you find contentment. 🙂
Thank you for your wisdom an insight we couldnt agree more!
Love the bags!! Super cute!! Liked the pages!!
I1 was just talking about this with a friend because I heard it on a podcast. l remind myself that it is not my place to judge and instead of paying any mind to it I should pay more attention to my own lifesee how lucky I am with my new family
Great advice thank you!
Liked both you guys and cheeky time on FB
following all and Shared on Instagram ( Yuukiimi )
It’s hard not to compare myself with other moms out there….especially when you read of all these moms doing so many wonderful things. I’m still in the process of learning how to just be happy with who I am.
Liked all on Facebook & shared on Instagram 🙂
Surround yourself with people who care about you and let you be yourself! That’s my advice 🙂 I love these bags.
Such a fab question… In the beginning of my photog biz I drove myself crazy comparing myself to all the uber talented people I have admired forever. Just like you said, “Find you. Be YOU!” That is the best advice, & exactly what I do now. Once ya stop focusing o everyone else, & dig deep… You will be noticed by the people who appricaite you for YOU! Lol… super cheesy but true!!
P/S BTW, HOLY MOLY thank you for the chance… I might shed a couple happy tears to win these pretties)
Loved you both on FB!!
GThanks for this great giveawAY! I’ve done everything!
The quote she mentioned is actually one of my all-time favorite’s too. I just try to remember that behind every great blog/person/photograph is a real life person with real life problems too. It’s all relative. 🙂
And i liked you both on fb. thanks for the chance!
Love this post! As a mom and photographer too, this interview it one I can totally relate to and am inspired by! Love the Cheeky Lime bag too! 😉
Thank you!
When I find myself falling into that trap I make myself stop and really look at my life and how truly wonderful it really is. I have a fantastic husband, an incredible daughter – nothing can compare to that.
Thanks so much for sharing it’s a natural thing to do…yes taking a step back and feeling grateful is key!
I feel like comparing anyone whether it be to yourself or others only ever leads to trouble. Not every person has everything, and we have to remember they are regular people too with problems just like the rest of us. I see young girls comparing themselves to online Bloggers or personalities all the time and it only causes deeper issues.
Love everything about this! I totally agree that time is the key to letting ur kids know u love them
I follow cheeky on fb
I follow cheeky on ig
I follow u on fb
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I shared on ig
Love the bag!!!
I loved the article but could the publishers please proof read their articles before posting? So many spelling and punctuation errors… major pet peeve!
thanks so much for letting us know hopefully we have fixed them all please be patient with us we are not perfect 🙂
Love reading about this! Such a inspiring woman with cute kids, Please pick me, I’d love to win one of those cute bags!
I liked Cheeky Lime & Moms best network on Facebook.
I followed @cheekylime @helloapparel and @momsbestntwk on instagram.
I have found that it is important to focus on myself and my family, and to remember what good is in your own life rather than compare with others
I follow moms best on fb
I follow cheeky lime on fb
I reposted and follow on Instagram olive_juice55
I liked MomsBest and Cheekylime on Facebook. 🙂
It is definitely hard not to compare yourself to others. The social media constantly has it in our face. What you should look like, how you should dress and now that I’m a mom, all the things your children need in order to raise them the right way. I feel that it is best to count your blessings and not always feel like you should have more to be better. Love yourself and your family, that’s what truly matters.
Liked momsbest and cheekylime on Facebook.
Reposted on Instagram. 🙂
I follow on FB 🙂
I remember when I was planning our wedding that I was comparing what I was doing to others. So I had to step back and remember what I was planning was a marriage not a wedding. Same thing goes for every day life, step back and remember who you are.
Liked both on fb thanks for the chance!
Following and sharing in Instagram!
Getting your self Caught up with the norm of social media in its self can be very addictive. More so with the new generation. In order for me to avoid the addiction of social media and networking I try to focus on doing things with out my phone…playing with my daughter sitting at the table for dinner. Most people my age never leave there phone. But with that fact more and more young people are using there phones all the time that they are losing the ability to have actual good communication skills such as eye contact. My ways to avoid it all is not to cut it out completely but is to only be one these thing like Instagram when I’m not with daily and friends and to make face to face interaction more important the. A text of message.
If I catch myself comparing my life to anyone else’s, I just look at my son and daughter. (Every parent thinks this) But I have the best kids ever, they can’t be compared 🙂
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my faith helps me avoid the comparison trap. I have always had an open mindabout things so it helps me see things fromotherpeople’s perspectives and to realize there is morethan one right way. when it comes to choosing myself to others my faith really helps balance me… and so does my husband.
I follow all accounts on instagram and shared the giveaway @tmvalls84
followonFacebook as well. 🙂
Fill other people’s “buckets” and you magically fill your own 🙂 Good advice.
Following Moms Best Network and Cheeky Lime on Face Book
I guess I’m so wrapped up in my health issue I could care less about what people wear, have, drive etc… I just want to be healthy and be a mom to my wonderful children.
Great job in putting your family and your health first! Yay! xx
I follow moms best on FB!
I am a fan of Cheeky Lime on FB 🙂
You have to avoid the trap by staying 100% true to yourself and remembering that everyone else is going through inner problems themselves – whether it’s lack of confidence or fear. I also find myself stepping away from electronic and remembering that my life is truly meant to be spent with my people and nature.
P.S. i love both of those pages. xoxoxoxoxo!
So true! Everyone has insecurities…its important to remember this as we look at the so called perfection. Good for you in putting your loved ones first! xx
I just tell myself that everything is not always as it seems…like the grass isn’t always greener.
Don’t fall into the trap of comparison. The grass is not greener…
Like/love both pages. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
I have been a graphic designer for 15 years and just now transitioning into professional level photography, my dream. Graphic design is full of ego-maniacs. “I have more knowledge, my designs are better, he/she doesn’t know what he/she is doing” are things I hear all the time. I have become so accustomed to tuning these negatives out because while they’re busy complaining, I’m busy making art and making money. I have the same attitude with photography. I know I don’t know all I need to yet. But my composition is great, the technical skill I have thus far is outstanding, my photo editing skills after 15 years of graphic design are impeccable, so there’s no reason to compare myself to another. People are hiring me. I am getting so much joy out of doing what I do there’s just no use in wasting any precious time comparing myself to others.
You comment made us smile because we couldn’t agree more about the ego-maniacs 🙂 Thanks for your strength and for sharing how you deal with all of the negativity. Its always refreshing to hear when someone happens to go through the same things. Good for you in rising above and for sharing your talents and joy with those around you! So inspiring! xx
Great reading! Thanks for sharing.
Loved reading about Karenin, such an inspiration! Wonderful giveaway!
I wish I would of found your site sooner! Comparison trap .. how do I avoid it .. I don’t tell my kids what is better .. what is more expensive .. teach them from little .. lucky to get what you get .. take care of it .. and it is only an item .. be the best you can be .. be proud and stay true to who you are.
so many times i had the feeling of being compared with others but i think we have to balance compare to each other negatively or positively. negatively can cause you feeling bad and positively can help to improve new standards.
Great article and a wonderful product.
It is definitely a major challenge not comparing. I too find myself doing it all truth. I tend to read things such as this to keep me in a some what balanced place or talk with other mothers on social media. It is a refreshing thing knowing that I am not the only one waiting for my little ones to clean their rooms or like Lizzy who said that she doesn’t do it all. There is that laundry calling, dishes piling sometimes. LOL! It is sites like Mom’s Best that help us moms stay at our best and I am so glad that I found you!
ugh…comparison. Having had my first child (a preemie at 30 weeks) a little over a year ago, I feel like I am re-learning this everyday with him and with myself. Someday it will come naturally!! I will never do everything perfectly, but I can do a lot of things with great effort if I just try even now and again…and of course give myself a break sometimes.
liked Cheekylime on FB
I try to remind myself that everything isn’t always as it seems. Even when things look perfect I remember that everyone has problems, struggles and it isn’t easy. I try to always be happy for others and if I find myself envying them, I look inward and work harder rather than cut others down.
I like you both on facebook! (Emilie P.) Thanks for the chance. If you saw my boring old case for my Nikon, you’d understand why I’m dying to win. 🙂
Followed you both on FB.
Love Cheeky Lime! Gladly followed you on Facebook.
Love seeing mom’s getting some love and recognition always the hardest working women I know!
Thanks for letting me enter!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some sweet stuff!
As for when I feel less than awesome, I usually turn off the media, and get down on the floor with my kids. Wrestling, creating art, going to the science museum, and just taking time out of my day SPECIFICALLY for them helps me be the mother I am meant to be. <3
Great giveaway, would love to win the bag! I follow both on FB. I avoid comparison by reminding myself “THAT is not my journey….THAT is their journey. THIS is my journey….and I’m loving every minute of it”.
Already Liked both pages on FB 🙂
Not comparing myself is hard…not even with just photography but as a mom, a woman etc but I find I do better when I limit my Internet time and focus more on the things that matter
I try to stay focused on what MY specific goals and definition of success are. Already following Cheeky Lime on FB, but heading over to follow you as well 😉
Love the outfits
I like you both on Facebook
liked cheekylime
liked momsbest
I try to avoid the comparison trap by remembering that the time I spend in worrying and comparing, won’t help me improve where I want to. And no matter what, anything I do is uniquely ME and doesn’t need to be compared since there’s only one me. 🙂 😉
I’m instagram stupid. I followed the 3 required for the extra entry but can not figure out how to share and tag on there.
Each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses. My strength may be your weakness and vice-versa. I may wish I had the body of a model, but I don’t. I can work at it, but chances are I will never have it. I realize that, and accept it. You just have to find the positive in everything you do. No one is perfect.
To avoid the comparison trap, I try to take a step back from social media when I feel my self doubt creeping in.
How I dont fall in the trap is by being myself and finding myself. My husband has helped me in that he tpld me that the only way to be true to myself is to know myself and not just the surface me but the deep down inner me!
And that also has translated in my work and how I raise my children. I only care what is right for me and my family
Did all the liking on facebook
I liked both of your pages! Fingers crossed, hope I win!!
I liked the pages and I am sharing to win 🙂
Great giveaway! Fingers crossed. I avoid the comparison trap but just looking at the blessings I have in my life and realizing that God didn’t bless others with my blessings, He blessed me and it makes me smile every single time. I’m following y’all on FB and instagram.
Following on Instagram!
I had to come to terms that comparison is the enemy of creativity, motivation and diversity. If I continually try to be like or achieve like another mom, I will fall short. I was created to live in my own skin, not another’s.
wow such an inspiration and awesome giveaway 🙂
I have always thought that the comparisons were worse in person.. with in-person judging and gossiping.. I think social media fuels it because you can hear “did you see what so-and-so did with their kids?” but overall, I avoid those conversations. It was one of my New Years Resolutions. How do I expect my three year old to be kind to her peers if she hears me being unkind to mine?
I also followed both on Facebook– cool giveaway, great site!
Liked the pages and fallowed
I always try to remember to think about what I have instead of what I don’t have. There have been times when I find myself making comparisons but it’s always better to remember that everybody has an issue no matter how perfect their life may seem. And when you’re feeling down about what you are going through, there is always someone whose situation is worse than yours.
Love the two brands and giveaway! 🙂
To avoid the comparison game, which can be quite hard to do sometimes… Well, a lot of times, I remind myself that there is always more than meets the eye. Not to mention, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. We need to love and appreciate who we are and what we have and worry less about others. 🙂
Everything is adorable!!
It’s so hard not to compare yourself or others to the best bloggers. But it’s just something you have to learn!
I followed you everywhere 🙂
I love this giveaway!! Love cheekylime and hello apparel:)
Follow both on Facebook!
When I begin to compare myself, I think of how far I have come and how far I can go as long as I continue to learn and grow.
I reposted on Instagram – private post. Mes2petitetoiles
So cute!
When I start to fall in to that “trap”, I remind myself how much I love “me”. I have the best husband, kids, friends, family and life for “me”. Why would I want to be anyone else? 🙂
Following you on Facebook! 🙂
Whenever I start to play the comparison game I think to myself: Have an attitude of gratitude for all that you have been blessed with in your life. Your life may not be like your neighbors, but it’s your life… go make the very best of it!!!
I followed Mom’s Best Network and Cheeky Lime on Facebook.
I’m following Hello Apparel, Cheeky Lime and Mom’s Best Network on Instagram.
Love the fun designs! Such great FB sites- cheeky lime & Mom’s Best network!
Karenin is such a beautiful an talented woman who is also a great mom! And my, her kids can pose! How cute are they!
Online social media just breed another scary legions of nazi moms I think… When I post my 3 year old still on diapers, the toilet train nazi comes up, and says something like “you should get him out of there!”. There are the stay at home nazi, the working mom nazi, the binky nazi, …The worst is the breast feeding nazi. I know they mean well but not all mothers can share their joyful sacred experience.
I never want to compare my baby wih anyone else’s but right now I’m extra careful of what I post online .. You see, I even scared of putting “she can read now!” Because some nazi mom would start “she’s too little you cruel mom! Don’t teach her how to read yet!” It annoys me, really.
I followed Mom’s Best Network and Cheeky Lime on Facebook.
Followed all on Instagram and shared on my post. @babalisme
When I start to compare myself to others, I stop myself in my tracks and ask myself if I am setting a good example for my daughter. She may only be two months old, but she can feel my energy and read the vibes I put out. There is no wrong time to start being a role model to your children.
I try so hard to avoid comparison but sometimes think it can be positive! I try to use other kids milestones to encourage my kiddos and other mothers progress to inspire my own!
What an adorable bag! This would be a perfect match for the diaper bag that I will be getting!!
As hard as it is to not compare, I try by thinking positive of others & to be encouraging of other’s achievements. By doing that, I’m hoping my kids will do the same & not focus on what other kids are doing.
I follow both Momsbest & CheekyLime on FB.
I have to remember that I am the only one who gets to live MY life and so I should be thankful for all I have and remember that not all that appears nice on Facebook or Instagram is as good as it looks.
Like Mom’s Best and Cheeky Lime on Facebook.
It’s hard not to compare but I try and focus in what makes my family and myself happy 🙂
Liked and posted on Instagram.
I try really hard not to compare myself to other moms. Either I feel very inadequate or way to judgy, when I do. Neither is good!
wow! thanks for that incredible document. I really cherished it towards main. Hope you keep putting up such awesome content pieces