It was only fitting that we spend our last weekend of summer at the local carnival! 2013 so far has shaped up to be a very different year for us. Unfortunately life is full of many twists and turns…it has been a few of these twists that has got me thinking and reflecting on my many blessings and how I am so grateful to be a mother of 5 amazing children. As the years march on I can’t help but wish to somehow freeze my not so little family just the way they are!
My 15 year old Lindsay pictured here has been a solid rock of inspiration and strength for me this year as I watch her endure her trials. Tomorrow she will undergo her 3rd surgery for this year, with one more to go even after this. She will have bone spurs removed from both of her heels. They can only do her feet one at a time so she will literally have a cast for the next 2-3 months. These surgeries will pale in comparison to her 2 hip surgeries she has already had this year….unfortunately there is still lots of time for recovery.
She has taken these trials with so much courage and stride that I can’t help but feel pride in what an amazing young lady she has become. My heart hurts for the pains she has had to endure as well as any pain she will endure but I know she will make it through once more. It has been frustrating for her to site back as she has not been able to participate in the many extra curricular activities for school that she had prepped herself for. She inspires me by always looking for the positive each day, planning to still try out for next year once she is recovered.
Reflecting on this upcoming surgery has really got me thinking a lot about courage and overcoming fear. There are many things I am not doing for fear of failure…because of her example of courage and strength I have decided to push forward no matter what. I wanted to write her a note of thanks for helping me realize I can find that strength to push on!
Dear Lindsay,
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate being your mother. I am so pleased with what an amazing young lady you are becoming and the way you have endured these last 9 months! I know it has never been easy for you…but I want you to know what a great example you have been to me of courage, and moving forward in the face of fear! You have inspired me to continue on despite my fear. You only have a few months left to endure and I know you can do it! I found this quote that reminded me of you… Love Always, Mom xoxo
Outfit Details: , Striped Cardigan Bellarose, Skirt Ruum Kidswear, .