So excited to continue our Mother’s Day series everyday this week with Real Moms that inspire!  Today we are featuring Whitney Lundeen the creator behind Sonnet James…play dresses for playful moms!  We love how they make you feel young at heart, present in the moment, and more playful with the ones you love! We are so inspired by Whitney and her journey…she never gave up…she finally found success after 5 other attempts at starting a business…Sonnet James was lucky number 6!  Read on and you will be inspired too! of you lucky mamas could win one of her darling dresses in our mother’s day ultimate giveaway…enter here now!  We are definitely obsessed with every one of these dresses! xo

photos courtesy of Sonnet James…this is Whitney with her two darling boys!

sonnet james

MB:  Share with us your story of how you started your business…

I started my business a year ago as something to check off my bucket list. It’s something I had thought about for a long time and my brother finally gave me the encouragement I needed to dive in. I had saved $5,ooo from my interior design business and thought if nothing else, it will be a great learning experience. And it has!

MB: How do you juggle motherhood while running your business..a few tips or things that have helped you stay sane.

Oh goodness. I don’t’ know if I have any good answers to this one. I guess I would say be really organized with your time. Get up early before they wake up and work for a few hours. Get a babysitter, even if it’s for 2 hours a week. Be engaged in whatever act you are doing. If it’s working or being a mom be there in the moment. I try, but it’s hard.


sonnet james

MB: What advice or encouragement would you give to another mom who is debating on whether they should take that leap of faith to start something new….

Dive in and start selling something RIGHT NOW! Ask advice from smart people around you and you’ll figure it out as you go. Stay true to yourself and what you feel in your gut even if people think it won’t work. You have to be emotionally strong enough to make it. I think it’s more about that than how smart you are. And work really really hard!


sonnet james

MB: 3 things we would not know about you

1. I’m an introvert. Social media stuff is really hard for me to do but I know how important it is.

2. I’ve started like 5 other businesses that failed/or died. (Dance studio in my garage, wedding veils, baby onsies, yoga studio in my house, online interior design business) Sonnet James was lucky number 6!

3. I want to be a foster mom someday when I’m older and my kids are grown.

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