We are so excited for the 4th of July…we cant wait to celebrate our independence on this beautiful summer day! Lots of family get together’s, BBQ’s, firework shows, and other summer festivities will be happening! These fun 4th of July themed confetti shooters are a perfect addition to your celebration. Especially for those little ones that are still nervous or scared of fire works. No scary string to pull, or loud noise, just a tube full of confetti! These are safe to pop anywhere, and a fun tube of confetti will fly everywhere!
Here is a Tip if you are in a pinch for supplies, you can make these from recycled push pops, and some scrap paper!  These would also be a fun addition to any party…hope you enjoy your holiday weekend! xxo

Glitter Paper
Tissue Paper
Clear Popper Tubes or Recycled Push Pops
Circle Template or Jar Lid

Step 1: Trace outline of Tube on paper, cut out strip of paper, glue paper to tube. Cut smaller strips of paper for edge accents, adhere to paper and tube.

Step 2: Use a circle template or jar lid and trace a circle unto the paper. Cut the circle out and cut a slit half way in the middle, fold and glue. This makes the top of your shooter.

Step 3: (Optional) Cut silver mylar tissue paper and glue it to the inside of tube.

Step 4: Cut strips of tissue into squares or circles, this make the confetti. Stuff Confetti into tube, if you want a “big confetti explosion” pack it extra full! Now have fun and enjoy your confetti shooters!





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