Dressing your mini-me can be so much fun! We mostly like to coordinate more than we like to match…and this easter “look” features our favorite spring pastels, the bubblegum pink “Winnie” dress from Sonnet James is perfect along with this sweet cream eyelet lace dress from The Dragon and the Rabbit! I also found the perfect accessories, these from Sam Edelman are my new favorite and so comfortable!!

Motherhood is truly a gift and this little one just melts my heart! She reminds me to embrace the day with happiness, courage, and lots of PLAY!  she’ll say, “Mama will you play with me?”  I can never say no to that…I love that she helps me to cherish the simple joys of life. Time won’t stand still, so I am learning to take hold of the present, and make each day count! Don’t worry so much about tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself!  My heart is full of gratitude this Easter season for the blessing of the Atonement and the promise that it brings for me and for you because he LIVES, it is a beautiful time for reflection.  May your easter weekend be filled with peace, love, and laughter! Happy Easter!  xoxo

Another fun photoshoot during our stay at Newport Beach, California. More details and links below…mom-and-me-easter-10easter-dress-pressleymom-and-me-easter-7mom-and-me-easter-30mom-and-me-easter-6 easter-dress-mom-and-me-20mom-and-me-easter-9mom-and-me-easter-8mom-and-me-easter-40

Dress: Winnie in bubblegum pink from Sonnet James (it’s a more fitted style, the size I am wearing is a small)

, (yellow available in stores) and this (favorite go to)

Dress: cream eyelet lace dress from The Dragon and the Rabbit

shoes: , melon

bunny necklace (pirates and ponies)

bunny headband (hello shiso)




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