We’re finishing the last few details for babys room, and of course I thought a little DIY would be perfect for this little peanut’s nursery.  Plus these will be useful when she gets older! DIY stacking blocks for babies or toddlers!  This easy DIY is safe, we promise! But before you start make sure you look in NON-TOXIC paint + wood that hasn’t been treated with harsh chemicals, very important especially because we know everything is bound to go in baby’s mouth! Have fun with the DIY by adding more color or a different color scheme to match your space…. happy DIYing!


Wood Blocks
Non-toxic paint (look at your local craft store)
Painters Tape
Foam Brushes




tape blocks- corner to corner.


back sure all your tape is securely taped to the blocks


use your foam brush to apply paint. one coat of paint is fine.


add more colors. switch it us and add white paint for lighter hues.


paint more side, wait until paint is dry than stack


ta-da color blocked blocks! Easy as that, tip. Make sure the non-toxic paint is secure to the block, since I used blocks that didn’t have a chemical finish I choose not to use a sealant. I left two sides of the blocked unfinished for when baby stuff these in her mouth.







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