We have some great mom tips for you today from darling brand ambassador Katie Emmons @katelaraine + a FUN $250 GIVEAWAY of some of her favorites.  Her littlest is turning one this friday…so along with her,  we are giving away a few favorites she could not live without for his 1st year.  Meet Katie, beautiful mama of 3….

” My name is Katie, but you can call me Kate! I have been married to my
husband Eric for almost 9 years, and we have 3 sweet kiddos, Alivia
(6), Kingston (almost 5), and Maverick (11 months). My husband has
been in the military for 10 years, so we have lived in 4 different
states since we’ve been married. I love caramel macchiatos with
cinnamon on top, plants that don’t need too much attention, neutral
colors, and really good smells. I’m a night owl through and through,
and I really don’t like cooking. My greatest strength as a mother is
seeing my children’s emotional needs and guiding them through each
emotion so that they can better understand who they are and what makes
them “them”. I love deep meaningful conversations and would open my
heart and home to anyone that needs a shoulder to cry on, a big glass
of wine or coffee, or a night just to laugh and forget about the hard
stuff in life.”

Katie’s MOMS TIPS:

  1. If I had any tips as a mom it would be to practice loving yourself the
    way your children do. The more you can see yourself through their
    eyes, the more confident you will be in your abilities as their mom.
  2. Be sure to get out on your own every now and then. Go to target
    after the kids go to bed and just breathe. Look at things that make
    you happy, try on clothes that bring you joy, smell every single
    candle on the shelf, just focus on you for a few hours, so you can
    come back refreshed and able to give your family your best.

“My absolute favorite products are Tubby Todd (everything), my wild bird sling, blanket from max + moose, and my
Google Home for all the dance parties!”

It’s your lucky day mamas! We have partnered with Katie and a few of her favorite brands she has absolutely loved for Mavericks first year…ENTER this $250 giveaway HERE

We love Katie’s authenticity + the beautiful way she shares motherhood, to see more daily fun with Katie and her sweet family + all of our future collaborations together…follow her on instagram here @katelaraine…..


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